PopSockets is aware that counterfeit products exist in the market and we take very seriously the impact of us and especially to you. We don’t want you duped, and you shouldn’t purchase a cheap knock-off just as you shouldn’t buy a knock-off car or have a knock-off dentist in your grill.
Counterfeits and knock-offs often appear to be authentic but they lack the high-quality materials and superior functionality that PopSockets has worked hard to consistently deliver. PopSockets has always taken pride in creating great products, and we are determined to eliminate this counterfeiting issue, including daily monitoring of websites and marketplaces and, in some instances, local and federal legal actions. If it were legal to go Chuck Norris on them, this issue would have been solved by now. PopSockets are vigorously enforcing counterfeits and knock-offs with registered intellectual property around the world.
Purchasing products from unauthorised sellers are done at your own risk. Be cautious of sellers that offer substantial discounts. In India, Upbeatz is the official distributor for PopSockets.
The wise expression “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is” fits here as it does when a long-lost cousin from Tanzania needs your bank info to wire your share of the 32,800,000USD given to them by a prince.